1,200 sets of stunning locations for every photographer to enjoy.

More than 1200 striking location sets at your fingertips for every photo enthusiast, photographer, graphic artist, and more.This is the most comprehensive compilation you will ever find. No need to travel the world for stunning location shots – we’ve done the work for you!

Beginning with America's amazing open ranges, we journey through the Wild West, down Historic Route 66, and into the urban streets of America with their edgy street art.

Crossing the Atlantic we tour scenic Europe capturing Old Europe’s doorways, arches, stairways, rustic villages, and the spectacular sunsets of Tuscany.

Leaving the villages of Europe, we travel to the African Plains and its astounding wildlife. Transport your subjects into an African Safari; Or into a Hollywood back-lot or sound-stage. Put them onto a Gondola in a Venetian Canal. **All without leaving your home or studio!**

**Works with ALL photo editing programs - ALL NEW FOR SEPTEMBER 2018!**